Using Micro price and survey data 2018

Fourth Workshop on Using Micro price and survey data 23-24th July 2018, Cardiff.

Workshop Program

Monday 23rd

Registration and lunch. 12.30

2pm  Joshy Easaw,  Aggregate and Measurement Error Uncertainty: An Analysis  of Ifo Firm Level Survey Dataset.

2.45pm  Mathew Mayhew and Jay Ahmed, Do UK Producer Prices lead UK consumer Prices?

3.15pm coffee

3.30pm   Tanya Flowers, New data sources in the UK consumer price statistics 

4.15pm   Sasha Talavera,  The seasonality of rental prices.

5pm   Fabio Bachini (ISTAT).  Extending the boundaries of the national statistics Institutes: forecasting, policy evaluation, scanner data at Istat.

Dinner: Jury's Inn 7.30.

Tuesday 24th July

9.15am  Saeed Heravi, Expenditure shares: comparing LCFS and Kantar household panel data.

10am  Karina Yan, How Does Healthy and Unhealthy Food Package Size Affect Preference for Promotion Types?,

10.45am  coffee

11am  Kathryn Keane, Import intensity in CPIH and CPIH-consistent inflation rates for UK household groups.

11.45am  Jeff Ralph  Scenes from the history of inflation measurement.

12.30am Huw Dixon.   The impact of the 2008 crisis on prices: what we can learn from the CPI microdata.

Location: All events at Cardiff Business school,Room 2.02, PTC building, Colum Drive Cardiff CF10 3EU.

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